Norman and the Gang







Home in Sonoma



Their home is nestled deep in a forest of Madrone, Oak and Manzanita





A large deck runs the full width of their home, with a view to the east all the way to the Bay. Norman's railroad runs along the railing around the entire deck, with a special removable rail section at the house door. Great fun for grandkids and grandpas alike.





Lots of goofing off by the visitors on the deck. Also the venue of major parties.





We first met and became close friends here in Spain in 1972. The rest is colorful history of friendship all over the world.





Here's the program for a typical house party. Norman sets up his margarita bar on the front porch. No one enters the home without a drink in hand.





Deirdre and Faye sip their margaritas on the deck while waiting for the guests to arrive. Deirdre has already done her hard work preparing a gourmet dinner.





The host in the living room. Ready to party.





After hours of talk, laughing, tall tales and great food we sit around the table. Still some great wine at the ready.





About 200 yards north of their home is the "nest" - a super guest home for visitors like us.





The beautiful living room.





Faye cooking up a special meal in the nest for interesting people...

 these three tennis bums.





Always some interested observers outside the nest.





Norman is ready to go explore his domain in his workhorse 'gator. The perfect vehicle for touring by grandkids and grandpas, and some hard work too.





A major activity for us is tennis. Daily matches during our visits to Sonoma. Here we are preparing Jim's hartrue court for battle.





It doesn't get any better than this!





Other activities center around the 4th of July, and the annual Sonoma Day town square party.




The Laugnitas beer crew is always at the ready to sell beer to the masses at these great events.





Some politics on the square.





Party late!!!





Every Sunday Norman holds the Holy Eucharest service for his family and friends.




A Visit to Italy


Arrival at Galileo Galilei Airport in Pisa. Photo by Deirdre.





Met by an enthusiastic Steve.





Setting up in the guest bedroom.





Time for dinner. Hurry down and join us, Deirdre.





Laid back dinner on a perfect June evening. The guests look a little jet lagged.





Next few days are relaxed. But, lots of things to see and do.





The guys head off on one of their walks through Benabbio.





A visit to Anna at her home and large garden.





View from Anna's garden.





Norman catches up on some email stuff.





At the Bagni di Lucca tennis club. We had a good singles match. Was a hot day, and we are ready to cool off.





With some liquid refreshment and a typically great lunch at the "hard body" cafe. Why that name? You would know if you saw the waitress...





Big pizza party in the making.





Many of our Benabbio friends get the chance to meet the visitors.





This late night photo is a good memory of a great visit.




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